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Introduce Yourself » Tell me how you learned about Get Organized Now! » 1/16/2022 2:21 pm

Replies: 14

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I'm not sure where I heard about GON but I'm sure it was the early 2000's. I was probably doing a computer search for "organizing". I'm 78 and still love to read about and hear organizing tips. At the moment I am doing a room by room decluttering. I feel like I'm a very organized person yet when I do these searches I'm always surprised at what I find: things that I postponed making a decision about keeping such as a piece of clothing (it might fit again in a couple of months-wishful thinking), craft supplies, books I'll never read, etc. I don't know how I could possibly be this age until I consider getting on the floor and then remember how getting back up is such a challenge! I live by myself but have a daughter and her family in town who take good care of me. I'm so glad this forum is back!

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