I've enjoyed reading through your posts and you've all given me some very good ideas for newsletter topics!! Thank you for actively participating in this discussion forum. I love all of the "real life" comments!
@MommaJo It sounds like we live in parallel universes. 1) I struggle with meal planning without over-planning. It usually means either too many leftovers uneaten or food that expires before we can get to it because of the leftovers. 2) Family tree research generates SO much paper! I also tend to get lost in the historical context of my distant relatives, which is a fun distraction, but it IS a distraction. 3) YES! I worry about what I might do if I have to manage without my spouse, but I also worry about what he would need to know to manage without me. I'm not even sure where to start looking for that sort of information. 4) We're working on downsizing in anticipation of retirement, and perhaps a move. But even if we stay here, we need to cut back on the stuff we need to take care of. 5) Not just the health issues themselves, but we need to start thinking about Medicare and where we can get the best health services (again either here or wherever we might retire to). Life throws us a lot to think about. I hope to find inspiration here from others who are working on the same "small stuff" I have going on in my life.
dave kumar wrote:
Momma Jo, best thing i learned is if possible take 10-15 minutes Nap or lay down after 4-5 hours constant work. You will feel fresh and energetic and accomplish much more than keep on working . it works wonders for me
Excellent response!
Aubergine wrote:
@MommaJo It sounds like we live in parallel universes. 1) I struggle with meal planning without over-planning. It usually means either too many leftovers uneaten or food that expires before we can get to it because of the leftovers. 2) Family tree research generates SO much paper! I also tend to get lost in the historical context of my distant relatives, which is a fun distraction, but it IS a distraction. 3) YES! I worry about what I might do if I have to manage without my spouse, but I also worry about what he would need to know to manage without me. I'm not even sure where to start looking for that sort of information. 4) We're working on downsizing in anticipation of retirement, and perhaps a move. But even if we stay here, we need to cut back on the stuff we need to take care of. 5) Not just the health issues themselves, but we need to start thinking about Medicare and where we can get the best health services (again either here or wherever we might retire to). Life throws us a lot to think about. I hope to find inspiration here from others who are working on the same "small stuff" I have going on in my life.
Responses like this are so helpful and inspiration to so many. Thank you for sharing!
I heard an EXCELLENT quote for this the other day: "Strive for excellence NOT perfection!". Makes so much sense to me! NO one is perfect and it causes us to get 'stuck' with this kind of thinking. Think of how much more productive, helpful, etc. we will be if we let go of something we can't achieve anyway and strive for something that we can - excellence!
redatl wrote:
I heard an EXCELLENT quote for this the other day: "Strive for excellence NOT perfection!". Makes so much sense to me! NO one is perfect and it causes us to get 'stuck' with this kind of thinking. Think of how much more productive, helpful, etc. we will be if we let go of something we can't achieve anyway and strive for something that we can - excellence!
YES!! 100%
I moved to Belize 6 weeks before the country closed it's land/sea/air borders. Air port opened after 5 months, sea opened in July 2021, land borders opened limited hours Feb. 7, 2022. I arrived with 3 suitcases. We have been under a curfew since April 2020, the times change every 30 days, limited access to services, limited social gatherings/entrance to buildings, closed restaurants/ days were filled with remodeling my house, landscaping my yard, but now I am pretty much done & my days are pretty empty. so my problem is filling my time. My previous hobbies I am unable to access supplies for here, social interactions are still very limited, places are gradually reopening, but limited hours & access remain, keeping up my home & yard takes limited time-little house, natural setting for yard, so I am struggling to fill my time.My little village has limited opportunities & gas prices are extremely high. Seems very weird to me to have th eopposite of what I used to have, free time rather than needing time.
MommaJo wrote:
These are excellent reminders and suggestions, many thanks! Yes, perhaps it's better when overwhelmed, to take smaller bites at a time, and maybe try to choose smaller elephants with more wiggle room. Napping used to be a habit of mine, but maybe a short quiet time/catnap should be a higher priority when feeling stressed. Examples: 1. When company comes, what to clean, meal planning, activity planning, etc. 2. Paper piles and piles of family tree research. 3. Concern that if something would happen to my spouse, would I be able to run a household on my own? What to learn to do first. 4. Downsizing a house, in case I'd have to move alone. 5. Managing health issues, decisions about downsizing activities and which ones and how much...on and on. I'm reminded of a quote: "Don't sweat the small stuff." followed by: "It's all small stuff". Good to remember.
Definitely take those smaller bites...and rest in between! The 5 topics you listed are all pretty big. So, maybe set a TEENY TINY goal for each and work on just those initially.
Ali.gray wrote:
I moved to Belize 6 weeks before the country closed it's land/sea/air borders. Air port opened after 5 months, sea opened in July 2021, land borders opened limited hours Feb. 7, 2022. I arrived with 3 suitcases. We have been under a curfew since April 2020, the times change every 30 days, limited access to services, limited social gatherings/entrance to buildings, closed restaurants/ days were filled with remodeling my house, landscaping my yard, but now I am pretty much done & my days are pretty empty. so my problem is filling my time. My previous hobbies I am unable to access supplies for here, social interactions are still very limited, places are gradually reopening, but limited hours & access remain, keeping up my home & yard takes limited time-little house, natural setting for yard, so I am struggling to fill my time.My little village has limited opportunities & gas prices are extremely high. Seems very weird to me to have th eopposite of what I used to have, free time rather than needing time.
It sounds like this is a wonderful time to set new goals to fulfill your dreams and aspirations. Also, you've been through a lot...I am glad you're safe and sound!
I love your advice about choosing the top 4 things that need to be done each day. I use a long, legal pad and on Sunday/Monday start a master to-do list. Then each day I choose 4. It has been working well!