Share your May Organizing Goals with us. We'd love to hear what's on your agenda!
We have two cars and a two-car garage. Only one car fits in the garage. My goal for May: Clean out the clutter so that I can get my car in the garage before it gets really hot (I live in Las Vegas, NV). I have emptied several containers already and have a good start on organizing but there is still much, much to do. I just make sure I do something every day.
JAlessi wrote:
We have two cars and a two-car garage. Only one car fits in the garage. My goal for May: Clean out the clutter so that I can get my car in the garage before it gets really hot (I live in Las Vegas, NV). I have emptied several containers already and have a good start on organizing but there is still much, much to do. I just make sure I do something every day.
Awesome...would love to hear about your progress with this goal as you progress!! Just doing something every day...that is perfect!
May goal was to fill my new kitchen & reorganize my pantry which was done. Felt so good about it I moved onto the entertainment center, it was holding my dishes, so I totally emptied it, reset it & now there is room in the cupboard below. So…
May Goal: go thru the 2 totes with 2 years of: paperwork, letters, cards, little things that “I’ll deal with later” “where shall I hang this?” Address of places I might like to visit, etc.
Ali.gray wrote:
May goal was to fill my new kitchen & reorganize my pantry which was done. Felt so good about it I moved onto the entertainment center, it was holding my dishes, so I totally emptied it, reset it & now there is room in the cupboard below. So…
May Goal: go thru the 2 totes with 2 years of: paperwork, letters, cards, little things that “I’ll deal with later” “where shall I hang this?” Address of places I might like to visit, etc.
Congratulations on your kitchen goal...I bet it looks amazing!! And then the entertainment rocked it!!
Can't wait to hear your "tote" successes!!! Yay you!!
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